Indoor Facilities


Indoor Facilities 

Things to consider before booking an indoor facility

Looking to book an indoor facility for your event? Prepare by considering the following:

  1. What date and time do you prefer? What are your second and third choices?
  2. Do you have a location (facility) preference?
  3. Save time. View current indoor facility availability online before submitting your rental request.
  4. View the Virtual Tour to see the venue or book a viewing appointment online for select facilities.
  5. How many guests will be in attendance? Note that using a stage and/or having a dance floor reduces facility capacity.
  6. Are you playing music and/or dancing?
  7. Are you planning to serve alcohol? Does the facility you are interested in allow for the serving of alcohol?
  8. Read and understand the Facility Rental Terms and Conditions, specifically the payment, cancellation and transfer terms.
  9. Is this event for youth 13-17 years of age? If yes, specific rental rules apply for Teen Rentals. Contact us for more information.

View our Facility Booking Brochure

Steps to book!

  1. After you have checked facility availability, submit the online Rental Request Form - Indoor Rooms, Gymnasiums, Arena Ice/Floor which also confirms that you have read and understand the Rental Terms & Conditions. The online form is a request only and does not confirm your booking.
  2. Consider booking a Pavilion, Arena Ice or a Gym online. Some rental conditions apply.
  3. Make payment.  If a non-refundable initial payment is made, the balance is due either 21 or 90 days prior to the event date, depending on the facility.
  4. 21 days or more prior to the event date, submit the facility set-up sheet as well as all required SOP/ROEW documentation (if applicable).

Indoor facilities cannot be booked more than 8-months in advance of the event date, with the exception of the ARC Community Hall-Full, which can be booked for a full day rental, 2 years in advance.

Facilities and Fees

Rental Fees

Rental fees are effective January 1 to December 31, 2025, unless otherwise stated, and other applicable charges quoted are resident fees and are contained in the Town's Fee By-Law approved annually by Town Council. 

Fees do not include tax, mandatory insurance and music fees (SOCAN/Re:Sound), if applicable.

Non-resident fees are non-refundable and applied. Proof of residency is required from the permit holder.

View our Facility Booking Brochure


Community Centres, Halls and Rooms

Check out the Things to know before you book to begin the booking process.

Ajax Community Centre - 75 Centennial Road, Ajax, ON L1S 4S4

Ajax Community Centre


Rentals are 4 hours minimum.
4-hour rentals are paid in full at the time of booking.
* Non-refundable Initial Payment on 8+ Hour rentals, with balance due 21 days prior to event date.
Saturday rentals in the ACC Community Hall or Commodores Room must be a minimum of 6+ Hours, if the request is received 30 days for more from the event date.

Rent the Carruthers or Duffins Room for $37.90/Hour + HST (1-2 hours maximum), Monday to Friday from 8:00am to 4:00pm.

If inside 21 days to your event date, rent the Carruthers, Duffins ($37.90/Hour + HST), Admirals or Captains Room ($49.20/Hour + HST) (1-2 hours maximum) for meeting-type events (not parties), Monday to Friday from 4:00pm to 10:00pm.



1 Hour Fee
(minimum 4-hour rental)

Initial Payment

Non-Resident Fee

HMS Community Hall (Full)



 $200 *


HMS Community Hall (Half)



 $200 *


Commodores Room



 $100 *


Captains Room



 Full Payment


Admirals Room



 Full Payment


Carruthers Room



 Full Payment


Duffins Room



 Full Payment


Audley Recreation Centre - 1955 Audley Road, Ajax, ON L1Z 0L2

Audley Recreation Centre


Rentals are 4 hours minimum.
4-hour rentals are paid in full at the time of booking.
* Non-refundable Initial Payment on 8+ Hour rentals, with balance due 90 days prior to event date for the ARC Community Hall (Full or any of its parts), 21 days for the ARC Community Room or Studio.
Saturday rentals in the ARC Community Hall must be a minimum of 6+ Hours, if the request is received 30 days for more from the event date.



1 Hour Fee
(minimum 4-hour rental)

Initial Payment

Non-Resident Fee

Community Hall (Full - 1A+2B+3C)





Community Hall (1A)





Kitchen Rental Fee

$485.00 - Only available to rent with Full Hall or Hall 1A and not available to rent on its own.

Community Hall (2B)           





Community Hall (3C)





Community Room



Full Payment





Full Payment


McLean Community Centre - 95 Magill Drive, Ajax, ON L1T 4M5

McLean Community Centre


Rentals are 4 hours minimum.
4-hour rentals are paid in full at the time of booking.
* Non-refundable Initial Payment on 8+ Hour rentals, with balance due 21 days prior to event date.
Saturday rentals in the MCC Community Hall must be a minimum of 6+ Hours, if the request is received 30 days for more from the event date.



1 Hour Fee
(minimum 4-hour rental)

Initial Payment

Non-Resident Fee

Community Hall (Full)



$200 *


Community Hall (Half)



$100 *


Community Room 3



 Full Payment


Quaker Meeting House - 457 Kingston Rd W, Ajax, ON L1S 6M1

Quaker Meeting House

Bookable hours - Sunday to Thursday 9am-10pm, Friday and Saturday 9am-1am.
Rentals are 6 hours minimum and paid in full at time of booking.
Only one (1) booking per day.
To view availability, click on Current Availability above.



 Per Hour Fee
(minimum 6-hour rental)

Non-Resident Fee

Satellite Community Hall





Carruthers Marsh Pavilion (64 capacity) $52.90 per hour - 55 Ashbury Boulevard, Ajax, ON L1Z 0E7

Greenwood Discovery Pavilion (64 capacity) $52.90 per hour - 2290 Greenwood Road, Ajax, ON L1T 4S4

Rotary Park Pavilion (40 capacity) $37.50 per hour - 177 Lake Driveway West, Ajax, ON L1S 7J1


  • Bookable hours - Sunday to Thursday 9am-9pm, Friday and Saturday 9am-11pm.
  • Pavilions allow for one (1) Permit per day.
  • View availability at our online portal below.
  • Permits are a minimum of 6 hours with an additional 2 hours for Town Staff facility preparation time.
  • Rental fees, including required insurance, applicable music and non-resident fees are paid in full at time of booking.
  • Pavilions do NOT allow for the serving of alcohol.
  • Rental Terms & Conditions apply.
  • Non-resident fee - $23.70 + HST (Carruthers and Greenwood), $12.00 + HST (Rotary Park)

Before booking a Pavilion in person or online, review the Frequently Asked Questions. If you prefer not to book online, submit a Rental Request Form.

Pavilions - Frequently Asked Questions

New! Consider booking online.

NEW! View Pavilion Availability or Book a Pavilion online

Consider booking a Pavilion online.

Things to know before you book a Pavilion online:

  • Can only be booked online 30 days or more in advance of your event date and not more than 8-months in advance.
  • Only one (1) Permit per day.
  • Rentals are 6 hours minimum with an additional 2 hours for Town Staff facility preparation time. When booking online, if the grid is greyed out for 6 or more hours in a day it means there is already a booking for that day and that day is not available to book. Note: if you wish to start your rental before 11:00am, contact the Facility Booking Office.
  • Rental fees, including required insurance, applicable music and non-resident fees are paid in full at time of booking.
  • Do NOT allow for the serving of alcohol.
  • Rental Terms & Conditions apply.  Town Staff will reach out following your online rental to review terms & conditions and frequently asked questions.
  • Events where the majority of the guests are teen or youth between the ages of 13-17 and specifically for this age group (i.e. graduation parties, or sweet 16 type parties) cannot be booked online - these events require Facility Manager approval - please book through the Facility Booking Office.
  • Use the online portal to view facility availability and book your event.
  • Some conditions apply.

To book online the Permit Holder must:

  • Sign in or create a customer account before booking online.  New accounts are activated Monday to Friday 8:30am-4:30pm. Or call a Community Centre to have a staff-member create your account for you.
  • Be 18 years of age.
  • Complete Event Name in required format (i.e. Permit Holder Last Name / Event Type / # of People)
  • Indicate the nature of the booking (i.e. bridal shower, birthday party, engagement etc.)
  • Acknowledge and adhere to all Rental Terms and Conditions electronically signed off on at time of booking, including cancellation and transfer policies.
  • Show electronic or printed Permit to Town Staff on day of event.

Community Organizations must book through Facility Booking Office.

Click here to Book Online


Arena Ice and Floor

Arena Rentals

The Town of Ajax has one Arena at the Ajax Community Centre with ice available to rent year-round.

Rent one of the four ice pads during the winter season for pick-up hockey or ringette, sledge hockey, birthday parties, figure skating practices, hockey or ringette schools & camps and shinny (limited). Or rent the arena floor surface in the summer months for lacrosse, trade shows, events or camps.

View availability, book online or complete an Arena Ice/Floor Rental Request Form.

The Town of Ajax Ice Allocation Policy guides staff in allocating and distributing ice each season.

For more information, contact the Facility Booking Office at 905-619-2529, ext. 7200 or email

Visit our Skating page, for more information on our public skating, shinny and other ice schedules.

Book Ice Online

Consider booking Arena Ice online.

Things to know before you book:

  • Ice can be booked online 65 hours in advance.
  • Ice rental blocks are 60 minutes minimum. (50 minutes of ice time and 10 minutes of maintenance).
  • Rental fees including required insurance fees ($5M commercial general liability insurance through the Town's Municipal Insurance Program) are paid in full at time of booking.
  • Permit Holder must:
    • Sign in or create a customer account before booking online.  New accounts are activated Monday to Friday 8:30am-4:30pm. Or call a Community Centre to have a staff-member create your account for you.
    • Be 18 years of age.
    • Complete Event Name in required format (i.e. Permit Holder Last Name / Sport or Activity / # of People).
    • Indicate the # of participants that will be in attendance.
    • Acknowledge and adhere to all Rental Terms and Conditions electronically signed off on at time of booking, including cancellation policies.
    • Show electronic or printed Permit to Town Staff on day of event.
  • Community Organization's must book with a Facility Booking Representative

Click here to Book Online


2024-2025 Winter Ice Season Rates & Hours

Fees listed are for the September 2024 to March 2025 winter ice season, are per hour and do not include HST and mandatory insurance fee.


ACC Pad 1 (International Pad) - Prime $267.30, Non-Prime Time - $187.10

ACC Pad 2, 3, 4 (Standard Pads) - Prime $256.40, Non-Prime Time $176.10


Winter Prime Time Hours

Winter Non-Prime Time Hours


Monday to Friday

Saturday & Sunday

Monday to Friday

Saturday & Sunday

ACC Pad 1 & 3






ACC Pad 2 & 4







2025 Summer Ice Season Rates & Hours

Fees listed are for the end of March to early September 2025 summer ice season, are per hour and do not include HST and mandatory insurance fees.


ACC Pad 3 and 4 (Standard Pads) - Prime $265.00, Non-Prime $180.60


Summer Prime Time Hours

Summer Non-Prime Time Hours


Monday to Thursday

Monday to Thursday

Friday, Saturday and Sunday

ACC Pad 3




All Day

ACC Pad 4




All Day


Arena Floor
Contact the Facility Booking Office at 905-619-2529, ext. 7200 or email for more information.

The Town of Ajax has two gymnasiums. One at the Audley Recreation Centre and one at the McLean Community Centre.

Rent the gym for pick-up basketball, volleyball, badminton, pickleball, indoor sports conditioning and more.

View availability, book online or complete a Gymnasium Rental Request Form.

Rental Rates:

Youth (18 and under) - $44.20 per hour + HST

Adult (19+) - $57.80 per hour + HST

Non-Resident Fee - $12.00 + HST

Book a Gymnasium Online

Consider booking a Gymnasium online.

Things to know before you book:

  • Gyms can be booked online 48 hours in advance.
  • Gym rental blocks are 60 minutes minimum.
  • Rental fees including required insurance fees ($2M commercial general liability insurance through the Town's Municipal Insurance Program) are paid in full at time of booking.
  • Permit Holder must:
    • Sign in or create a customer account before booking online.  New accounts are activated Monday to Friday 8:30am-4:30pm. Or call a Community Centre to have a staff-member create your account for you.
    • Be 18 years of age.
    • Complete Event Name in required format (i.e. Permit Holder Last Name / Sport or Activity / # of People).
    • Indicate the # of participants that will be in attendance.
    • Acknowledge and adhere to all Rental Terms and Conditions electronically signed off on at time of booking, including cancellation policies.
    • Show electronic or printed Permit to Town Staff on day of event.
  • Community Organization's must book with a Facility Booking Representative

Click here to Book Online

The Town of Ajax is thrilled to offer online booking for Gymnasiums.

Things to know before you book:

  • Gyms can be booked online 48 hours in advance.
  • Gym rental blocks are 60 minutes minimum.
  • Rental fees including required insurance fees ($2M commercial general liability insurance through the Town's Municipal Insurance Program) are paid in full at time of booking.
  • Permit Holder must:
    • Sign in or create a customer account before booking online.  New accounts are activated Monday to Friday 8:30am-4:30pm. Or call a Community Centre to have a staff-member create your account for you.
    • Be 18 years of age.
    • Complete Event Name in required format (i.e. Permit Holder Last Name / Sport or Activity / # of People).
    • Indicate the # of participants that will be in attendance.
    • Acknowledge and adhere to all Rental Terms and Conditions electronically signed off on at time of booking, including cancellation policies.
    • Show electronic or printed Permit to Town Staff on day of event.
  • Community Organization's must book with a Facility Booking Representative

Click here to Book Online


To rent a pool, visit or call the Facility Booking Office at 905-619-2529, ext. 7200 or email for more information.

Visit our Swimming page for more information on our pools, splash pads, lessons, leadership classes, public swimming schedules, aquatics programs, pool party packages and more.

View Current Availability and Book Select Facilities Online 


View current availability for select indoor facilities or consider booking a Pavilion, Arena Ice or a Gymnasium online on our Recreation Public Website.

Rental Information
Rental Terms and Conditions

Town of Ajax Facility Rentals are subject to terms and conditions agreed upon by the Permit Holder and all facility users must abide by them. Violations of the terms and conditions may result in cancellation of a permit and/or refusal to grant any future rental permits for the use of indoor facilities.

Rental Terms and Conditions

Some general rental rules to consider:

  • Permit start and end times includes, permit holder set-up and clean-up.
  • Permit covers the indoor space only, and not the green space around the facility.
  • Permit holder must be a minimum of 18 years of age and is responsible for all persons admitted/attending the rental.
  • Permit holder is responsible for leaving the facility in the condition they found it.
  • Permit holder must not use scotch/masking/duct tape or nails/screws/hooks to affix signs/decorations to the walls/floors/ceilings/stage and equipment.
  • Confetti, confetti cannons, balloons filled with helium, confetti/glitter, glitter, glitter cannons/machine, pinatas, rice, silly/fun string, fog machine, smoke bombs/rockets, sparklers, cold sparkler machines, floor decals or any other product that may cause undue floor/facility clean-up are NOT permitted.
  • Jumping castles, ball pits and other inflatable amusement structures are NOT permitted.

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list and other items may not be allowed at the discretion of the Facility Manager.


Payment is due in full at time of booking unless the facility offers a non-refundable initial payment.  Where a non-refundable initial payment is made, the balance is due either 21 or 90 days prior to the event date, depending on the facility.

Payment can be made by:

  • Cash
  • Cheque made payable to the Town of Ajax (only accepted if more than 21 days prior to the event date)
  • Debit
  • Credit Card (American Express, MasterCard or VISA)

All functions/events booked in Town facilities or on Town property require commercial general liability insurance. Insurance fees are in addition to the facility rental fee and are required.

Rates vary and could depend on the type of event, length to time, number of attendees, whether alcohol is being served etc. and the Town reserves the right to determine or amend the insurance requirements based on, but not limited to, risk assessment and event size.

Cancellation and Transfer Policies

Cancellation Policy

Arena Ice, Arena Floors, Gymnasiums and Pools: 

If written request to cancel the entire permit is received 21 days' or more before the permit, or contract start date, a $60.00 + HST Cancellation Fee is charged, the non-resident fee is retained, and the remainder of the fees are refunded.  If less than 21 days of the rental date, only the insurance fees, if applicable, are refunded.

Contract Permits (multiple booked dates) - Ice, Floors, Gymnasiums and Pools: In addition to the above cancellation policy, with 21 days' written notice, individual booked dates within a contract permit can be cancelled and a $20.00 + HST fee per booked date cancelled will apply.

Community Halls, Rooms, and Pavilions:

  • Written cancellation requests are required.
  • Initial Payments (or the value of) on 8+ Hour rentals are non-refundable.
  • Non-resident fees are non-refundable.
  • Cancellation Fee = $60.00 +HST

ACC Admirals, ACC Captains, ACC Carruthers, ACC Duffins, MCC Community Room 3, ARC Studio or ARC Community Room, Quaker Meeting House, Carruthers Marsh Pavilion, Greenwood Discovery Pavilion and Rotary Park Pavilion

If 21 days or more before the rental date the Cancellation Fee is charged, the non-resident fee is retained, and the remainder of the fees are refunded.
If less than 21 days of the rental date, only the insurance and music fees (SOCAN/Re:Sound) fees, if applicable, are refunded and the Cancellation Fee is not charged.

ACC HMS, Commodores, MCC Community Hall

If 21 days or more before the rental date, for 4-7 hour rentals the Cancellation Fee is charged, the non-resident fee is retained, and the remainder of the applicable fees are refunded. For 8+ Hour rentals, the Initial Payment (or the value of) is retained, and the Cancellation Fee is not charged.

If less than 21 days before the rental date only insurance and music fees (SOCAN/Re:Sound) fees, if applicable, are refunded and the Cancellation Fee is not charged.

ARC Community Hall - Full Hall or 1A or 2B or 3C

If 90 days or more before the rental date for 4-7 hour rentals the Cancellation Fee is charged, the non-resident fee is retained, and the remainder of the applicable fees are refunded. For 8+ Hour rentals, the Initial Payment (or the value of) is retained, and the Cancellation Fee is not charged.

If less than 90 days before the rental date only the insurance and music fees (SOCAN/Re:Sound), if applicable, are refunded and the Cancellation Fee is not charged.

Requests to downsize an ARC Community Hall in any way will result in the permit being cancelled. The non-refundable initial payment will be retained and not applied toward a new permit.

St Francis Centre

If 21 days or more before the rental date for 4-7 hour rentals, the Cancellation Fee is charged, the non-resident fee retained, and the remainder of the applicable fees are refunded. For 8+hour rentals, the non-refundable Initial Payment (or the value of) is retained, and the Cancellation Fee is not charged.

If less than 21 days before the rental date only insurance and music fees (SOCAN/Re:Sound) fees, if applicable, are refunded and the Cancellation Fee is not charged.

Transfer and/or Permit Modification Policy

A $20.00 + HST permit transfer/amendment fee is charged for transfers of date, location, time, and modification of event type (i.e. non-SOP to an SOP).

A rental date or location may be transferred once per permit based on availability, with 21 days or more written notice (90 days for the ARC Community Hall). Date or location transfers must be within the same calendar year as the original booked date. Fee differences due to the transfer, if any, will either be charged or refunded. Date or location transfers are not allowed if less than 21 days from the event date (90 days for the ARC Community Hall).

Permit start and end time amendments require 45 days' written notice, Facility Manager approval and are subject to facility availability.

Permit Holders shall not sublet, sell, assign, or transfer their permit to another user whatsoever.

Special Occasion Permit (SOP) & Municipal Alcohol Policy (MAP) and Bar Requirements

An SOP is issued by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) and is mandatory for all functions serving alcohol, including beer and wine. 

  • Not all Town facilities allow for the serving of alcohol.
  • For all AGCO SOP functions in Town of Ajax indoor facilities, responsible and reliable “Smart Serve” bartenders(s) and event workers must be 19 years of age and provide a photocopy of their current and valid Smart Serve Certificate. Note: Smart Serve Certificates are only valid for 5 years from date of issue. Visit to learn more about certification.
  • The SOP end time must be 30 minutes prior to the Town of Ajax rental permit end time.

Refer to the MAP Planning Guide and the Record of Event Workers Form below for a complete list of Town Approved Venues for SOP Events and details regarding the requirements related to serving alcohol in Town of Ajax facilities.

MAP Planning Guide

Event Workers Form

Music Fees (SOCAN and Re:Sound)

Permit Holders for all functions and room rentals using and/or playing music are required to pay Music Fees (SOCAN/Re:Sound) in addition to any other rental fees.  SOCAN represents songwriters, lyric authors, composers and music publishers, while Re:Sound represents performers who played on recordings and record companies that produced those recordings.  Music Fees are based on room capacity size and whether there will be dancing or not.

Music Fees with Dancing

Room Capacity 1-100 $62.64 + HST

Room Capacity 101-300 $90.12 + HST

Room Capacity 301-500 $187.91 + HST

Music Fees without Dancing

Room Capacity 1-100 $31.31 + HST

Room Capacity 101-300 $45.02 + HST

Room Capacity 301-500 $93.95 + HST

Facility Accessibility Features

Find out which Town of Ajax facility is right for your next function. Choose a facility from the list to learn more about its accessibility features:

 Ajax Community Centre
 Barrier-free Entrance/Egress:
  • No-step entry and automated door openers at main entrance, south and north entrances.
  • Customer service counter located at main entrance; lowered counter portion.
  • Elevator access to second floor available from main entrance.
  • Access to second floor without elevator using north entrance.
  • Access to HMS Community Hall by south entrance only.


Accessible parking spaces onsite:

  • South entrance
  • Main entrance
  • North entrance


Accessible washroom stalls available in gendered washrooms outside HMS Community Hall, main floor and second floor. Barrier-free individual washroom located on main floor.

Additional Accessibility Features:

  • Accessible pool lift.
  • Three interior mobility device charging station receptacles: outside HMS Banquet Hall, main floor and second floor. 
 McLean Community Centre

Barrier-free Entrance/Egress:

  • No-step entry and automated door openers at main (north) and east entrances
  • West entrance is exit-only
  • South entrance is exit-only to parking.
  • Customer service counter located at main entrance.
  • Upper pool viewing area by stair access only. 


Eight accessible parking spaces onsite:

  • North entrance - six
  • East entrance - two


  • Accessible washroom stalls available in gendered washrooms (entrance doors propped open during facility operating hours).
  • Universal washroom located in the family change room – no automated door operator.

Additional Accessibility Features:

  • Two interior mobility device charging station receptacles (one at main entrance bench near customer service counter and one at east wall hallway heading into public change rooms).
  • Pool:
    • Ramp access to indoor pool.
    • Family change room has an accessible changing stall and automated door operator to pool area.
    • Wading pool with sloped incline to enter.
    • Larger pool access via ramp and railing; water wheelchair available on request.
  • Fitness Centre has two pieces of equipment that are wheelchair accessible (one for arms; one for legs).
  • Fenced outdoor playground area - Autism Ontario 'Safe Place to Play' designation and barrier-free splash pad.
 Audley Recreation Centre
Barrier-free Entrance/Egress:
  • No-step entry and automated door openers at Entrance A, B and C.
    • Entrance A (pool, fitness customer service, community rooms, gym, playground and splash pad access).
    • Entrance B (Ajax Public Library, community rooms and outdoor playground access).
    • Entrance C (Community Hall access only).
  • Customer service counter located at main Entrance A; lowered counter portion.


  • Twenty accessible parking spaces onsite: Entrance A (8), Entrance B (2) and Entrance C (10).
  • Access to Community Hall by south entrance only.


  • Entrance A and B:
    • Accessible washroom stalls available in gendered washrooms (no doors).
    • Barrier-free universal washroom located across from gymnasium.
  • Entrance C:
    • Accessible washroom stalls available in gendered washrooms outside Community Hall and barrier-free universal washroom located near entrance.

Additional Accessibility Features:

  • Three interior mobility device charging station receptacles available: Entrance A vestibule, Entrance B vestibule and Entrance C vestibule.
  • Inclusive playground and splash pad.
  • Pool: 
    • Small therapy pool with ramped access and railing.
    • Larger pool with ramped access and railing.
  • Hall 1A - accessible lift to access the stage available through facility rental process.
 St. Francis Centre
 Barrier-free Entrance/Egress:
  • Accessible automatic doors: front entrance, washroom and crush lobby area (bar area and entrance to theatre main hall).
  • Access to basement warming kitchen and green room is stair access only. 


  • Two accessible parking spaces onsite.


  • Accessible washroom stalls in gendered washrooms with automated door openers on the main floor only. 

Additional Accessibility Features:

  • Accessible seating is available in the front row of the theatre main hall. Please call the St. Francis Centre Box Office at 905-619-2529, ext. 2787 (ARTS) to inform staff that accessible seating is required. Please note that due to Fire Code Regulations, every patron and accompanying support person attending a performance or event, regardless of age, must hold a valid ticket to gain admission to a performance. Admission prices will be charged for both attendees based on regular ticket prices.
  • Accessible lift from theatre main hall floor to stage.
  • Assistive listening system.
  • Box Office transitions to accessible dressing room.
Quaker Meeting House
Barrier-free Entrance/Egress:
  • No-step entry and automated door openers at main entrance.


  • Two accessible parking spaces onsite.


  • Accessible washroom stalls available in gendered washrooms. 
  • Barrier-free individual universal washroom located in main hallway.

Additional Accessibility Features:

  • Automated door openers into main hall.
  • One interior mobility device charging station receptacle in main hall north wall.
Rotary Park Pavilion

Barrier-free Entrance/Egress:

  • No-step entry and automated door openers at main entrance.


  • Ten accessible parking spaces onsite.


  • Accessible washroom stalls available in gendered washrooms.
  • Barrier-free individual universal washroom with automated door openers located in main vestibule.

Additional Accessibility Features:

  • One exterior mobility device charging station receptacle on south facility corner.

Carruthers Marsh Pavilion

Barrier-free Entrance/Egress:

  • No-step entry and automated door openers at main entrance.


  • Two accessible parking spaces onsite.


  • Accessible washroom stalls available in gendered washrooms (shared with general public).
  • Barrier-free individual universal washroom located in facility hallway (shared with general public).

Additional Accessibility Features:

  • One exterior mobility device charging station receptacle on southwest facility corner.

Greenwood Discovery Pavilion

Barrier-free Entrance/Egress:

  • No-step entry and automated door openers at main entrance.


  • Two accessible parking spaces onsite.


  • Accessible washroom stalls available in gendered washrooms (shared with general public). 

Additional Accessibility Features:

  • One exterior mobility device charging station receptacle on north wall.
Smoke Free Facilities 

Town Facilities adhere to the Smoke-Free Ontario Act and the Durham Region Smoke-Free By-law and do not allow anyone to smoke any tobacco/cannabis type substances, or vape any type substance, in any Town Building or on any Town property where a Town building is located.

The Town strictly prohibits any edible cannabis, or any cannabis infused products, from being brought into or consumed on any Town property or in any Town building.

Waterfront Parking
A waterfront parking management plan is in effect from mid-May to mid-September to manage increased parking on weekends (Saturday & Sunday) and public holidays.  The plan includes paid parking for non-Ajax residents and designated parking areas.  This plan may have an impact on Rotary Park Pavilion and Carruthers Marsh Pavilion.
Facility Tours

View our indoor facilities before starting the booking process.  First, view our 360 Degree Virtual Tours below, then if you need to see more, book an appointment to view select facilities!

Book an online appointment to view the Audley Recreation Centre (ARC) Community Hall, the Greenwood Discovery Pavilion or the St. Francis Centre.

Indoor Facility Viewing Guidelines:

  • Permit Holders must book a viewing online for select facilities.
  • Viewings are a maximum of 30 minutes.
  • 1 Permit Holder viewing per time slot.
  • Only 1 viewing per Permit Holder per permit.
  • The Town reserves the right to cancel or reschedule facility viewing appointments.
  • The facility tour will show the facility/room only.  The room will not be set-up with tables and chairs or in a set style.

Appointment Times:

Audley Recreation Centre (ARC) Community Hall - Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday - 4:30-7:30 p.m.

Greenwood Discovery Pavilion - Monday to Thursday - 7:30-8:00 p.m.

St. Francis Centre - Monday and Wednesday - 4:00-6:00 p.m.

Book an Indoor Facility Tour or Viewing

Visit a Customer Service Desk to arrange a viewing of a room within a Community Centre (excludes ARC Community Hall).

Virtual Facility Tours

Take a virtual tour and explore the interior and exterior of our community halls, rooms, pavilions, arenas, gymnasiums and pools, as well as some of our most popular outdoor facilities. Please note that not all spaces you see on the virtual tour are rentable. 


Discounted Facility Rentals

Discounted rental facilities refer to the rental of Town facilities, that are ordinarily permitted, at a discounted rate. Charities, community organizations, for-profit, not-for-profit organizations and individuals may apply for discounted facility support to receive up to a 50% discount on rental facilities if they meet three of four of the criteria provided by the Town. 

Discounted Rental Facilities program

Contact Us

For indoor spaces such as community centre rooms, halls, pavilions, satellites, gymnasiums, arena ice, arena floors and pools contact us either by phone or email.

Phone: 905-619-2529, ext. 7200

Fax: 905-427-0739

Ajax Community Centre
Recreation & Culture, Administration Office, 2nd Floor
75 Centennial Road

Monday to Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Saturday/Sunday: Closed


In order to serve you better, please plan to arrive by 4:00 p.m.