Engineering Design Criteria and Standard Drawings

The Town of Ajax Engineering Design Criteria and Standard Drawings are intended to provide guidance for developers, consulting engineers and contractors engaged in design and construction within the Town of Ajax. These documents establish the minimum engineering design criteria and standards related to all roads, bridges, storm sewers, stormwater management ponds, fencing, street lighting, sidewalks, utilities, lot grading and drainage, capital projects, commercial and industrial site plans and residential subdivisions.

Changes and revisions will be made to the Town of Ajax Engineering Design Criteria and Standard Drawings from time to time. It is the responsibility of the user to obtain and reference the latest version of the documents available.

Design Criteria

Standard Drawings

Series 100 - Storm Sewer Appurtenances

AS-135 Storm Sewer Bedding Detail

AS-137 Storm Sewer Insulation Detail

AS-140 Storm Sewer Headwall

AS-153 Catchbasin Subdrain Detail (Site Plan Only)

AS-156 Adjustment of Catchbasins

AS-157 Rear Lot Catchbasin Detail

AS-159 Beehive Catchbasin Frame and Cover for Rear Lot Catchbasins

AS-161 Service Location - Single Family Residential

AS-162 Service Location - Semi Detached Residential

AS-165 Storm Sewer Service Location

AS-169 P.V.C. Catchbasin Connection

AS-171 Methods of Supporting House Connection and Catchbasin Leads

AS-173 Common Trench Detail for Direct Buried Cables with Gas Main

AS-175 Sump Pump with Storm Drain Connection

AS-176 Sump Pump Without Storm Drain Connection

Series 200 - Roadway and Road Details

AS-201 8.5m Local Roadway in a 15.0m ROW

AS-202 8.5m Local Roadway in a 18.5m ROW

AS-203 10.0m Local Roadway in a 20.0m ROW

AS-204 13.0m Collector Roadway in a 23.0m ROW

AS-205 8.5m Local Roadway in a 17.0m ROW 

AS-215 Raised Intersection

AS-217 Industrial Cul-de-Sac

AS-218 Residential Cul-de-Sac

AS-219 Typical Bulb Detail for All Local Roads 

AS-221 Road Subdrains

AS-231 Concrete Sidewalk

AS-233 Tactile Walking Surface Indicators

AS-234 Concrete Sidewalk at Intersections

AS-236 3.0m Multi-Use Trail

AS-237 Precast Concrete Splash Pad

AS-240 Dead End Barricade

AS-246 Wooden Barricade for End of Sidewalk

AS-250 Surface Pavement Joint Treatment

AS-261 Replacement Concrete Sidewalk

Series 300 - Miscellaneous Details

AS-311 Chain Link Security Fence

AS-312 Wood Privacy Fence

AS-314 Steel Post, Wood Privacy Fence

AS-315 Timber Noise Barrier Fence

AS-321 Pedestrian Walkway

AS-322 Secondary Emergency Access Route

AS-325 Street Light Installation Detail

AS-331 Traffic Sign Installation Detail

AS-332 Street Name Sign

AS-333 Municipal Traffic Signs

AS-335 Stormwater Management Pond Warning Sign

AS-341 Residential Driveway

AS-342 Commercial, Industrial and Apartment Driveway Detail

AS-345 Mud Mat

AS-346 P-Gate Detail

AS-347 Drawing Title Block 

Series 400 - Lot Grading Details

AS-400a Typical Legend for Lot Grading Plans

AS-400b Typical Legend for Residential House Siting Plans

AS-401 Front Lot Drainage

AS-402 Split Lot Drainage

AS-403 Walkout or Backsplit House Rear Lot Drainage

AS-404 Front Split Type House Front Lot Drainage

Series 500 - Certificates

AS-502a Foundation Control Certificate

AS-502b Foundation Control Certificate Industrial, Commercial & Institutional

AS-503a Preliminary Lot Grading Certificate

AS-503b Lot Grading Certificate for Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional

AS-505 Lot Grading Certificate for Infill Lots

AS-506 Site Servicing Certificate

Series 600 - Sports Fields

AS-601 Baseball - Senior Diamond

AS-602 BaseballSoftball - Warning Track

AS-603 Baseball Backstop Fence 1 of 4

AS-604 Baseball Backstop Section (2 of 4)

AS-605 Baseball Backstop Fence Elevation (3 of 4)

AS-606 Baseball Backstop Fence Notes and Schedules (4 of 4)

AS-607 Baseball Player's Enclosure Detail Plan (1 of 2)

AS-608 Baseball Player's Enclosure Elevation and Section (2 of 2)

AS-609 Baseball Foul Line Post 5450mm

AS-610 Baseball Bullpen Outfield Fence and Gate

AS-611 Baseball Chain Link Outfield Fence 2400mm

AS-612 Baseball Bullpen Detail Plan

AS-613 Baseball Pitcher's Mound and Home Plate

AS-614 Softball Senior Field Typical Layout

AS-615 Softball Senior Field Backstop Fence (1 of 4)

AS-616 Softball Senior Field Backstop Fence (2 of 4)

AS-617 Softball Senior Field Backstop Fence (3 of 4)

AS-618 Softball Senior Field Backstop Fence (4 of 4)

AS-619 Softball Foul Pole

AS-620 Softball Typical Field Layout

AS-621 Backstop Fence Detail

AS-622 Softball Fence Elevation and Section

AS-623 Soccer Senior Field 65 x 110m

AS-624 Soccer Senior Goal

AS-625 Soccer Junior Field 45 x 90m

AS-626 Soccer Junior Goal

AS-627 Soccer Mini Field

AS-629 Basketball Court Layout

AS-630 Basketball Post

AS-631 Basketball - Backboard

AS-632 Basketball Court Asphalt Surface

AS-633 Tennis Court Layout Plan

AS-634 Tennis Court Fence and Gate

AS-635 Tennis Court Asphalt Surface

AS-636 Tennis Court Post and Net

Series 700 - Tree and Shrub Planting and Protection

AS-701 Planting - Deciduous Tree

AS-702 Planting - Coniferous Tree

AS-703 Planting - Shrub, Continuous Bed

AS-704 Planting - Whip

AS-705 Barrier - Tree Protection

AS-706 Barrier - Silt Fence

AS707 Tree Protection - Keep Out Sign

AS708 Planting - Tree Grate

Series 800 - Park Paving and Curbs

AS-801 Paving - Standard Asphalt

AS-802 Paving - Precast Unit

AS-803 Paving - Heavy Duty Precast Unit

AS-804 Paving - Limestone Screening Walkway

AS-805 Paving - Limestone Screening Walkway - Heavy Duty

AS-806 Paving - Wood Chip

AS-807 Curb - Playground Conc. Curb and Resilient Surface

AS-808 Pipe - PVC Sub-Grade Drainage

AS-809 Pipe - PVC Solid Pipe

AS-810 Pipe - Drainage Culvert

AS-811 Retaining Wall - Armourstone

Series 900 - Furniture Signage and Gates

AS-901 Bench - Park and Trail

AS-902 Bench - Street Bench (BIA Areas, Heritage Square)

AS-903 Waste Receptacle - Metal

AS-904 Waste Receptacle - Recycling

AS-905 Bicycle Ring

AS-906 Bicycle Rack

AS-907 Picnic Table - Shaded

AS-908 Picnic Table - Metal Frame

AS-909 Picnic Table - Metal Frame, Accessible

AS-910 Playground Signage

AS-911 Gate - Parking Lot

AS-912 Rail - Wood, Angled Top

AS-913 Rail - Wood, Bicycle Height

AS-914 Bench - Baseball

AS-915 Bench- Soccer

AS-916 Bleacher - Multi-Use

AS-917 Bleacher - Multi-Tier, Metal 

AS-918 Chain Link Gate

AS-919 P Gate Layout