Under the Planning Act the Planning and Development Services Department is responsible for reviewing, processing and making recommendations on planning applications submitted to the Town of Ajax. A series of Citizens' Guides has been prepared by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and the Ministry of Housing to assist with understand how the land use planning process works in Ontario.

Development Application Forms and Fees

The Development Approvals Division is responsible for the review and processing of all development applications currently before the Town of Ajax, including new residential, commercial and employment developments. Development approvals staff review applications from the standpoint of official plan and zoning conformity, adherence to the Town of Ajax's urban design, site planning and growth management objectives. The Town of Ajax permits and encourages development proponents to consult with the Town prior to submitting a development application. A meeting can be scheduled through the submission of a Pre-consultation application.

Development Application Forms


Digital Submission: The Town offers applicants the option to use the Town’s free and secure file transfer platform to submit plans, reports, and other supporting material for their development application(s) up to a maximum 2GB. This service is available by making a Large File Transfer Request. File transfers greater than 2GB will need to utilize other means such as using one’s own secure file transfer platform or a USB.


Development Related Applications or Forms


Urban Design Guidelines

Design guidelines are intended to foster a high quality of urban design in the development or redevelopment of land within the Town of Ajax. The design guidelines will assist with the preparation of your development application.


The resource information will assist with the design and the preparation of various plans, and related materials that are required in support of your development application. 

Building Permit Information, Application and Fees, and Development Charges.

Access to building permit information, application and related forms, building permit fees and Development Charges