The Town of Ajax Official Plan focuses on land use and contains goals and policies that guide the physical, social and economic growth of our community. The Official Plan establishes a vision of the future urban structure, protects important environmental areas and will serve as the basis for managing change within our community for the next 25 years.
The Ontario Planning Act also requires local municipalities, including the Town of Ajax, to review their Official Plan every 10 years to ensure that the policies conform, or does not conflict, with the policies outlined in Provincial Plans. Similarly, the Town of Ajax Official Plan must conform and cannot conflict with the policies of the Durham Region Official Plan.
The Official Plan includes policies that help make development decisions, including:
- How to protect the natural environment;
- Where to put new housing, businesses and shopping areas, parks, schools and places of worship;
- What types of housing, employment and shopping areas to include;
- What type of infrastructure (roads, transit, water and sanitary, stormwater and waste management) will be needed;
- How to address, mitigate and adapt to climate change;
- How to protect cultural assets; and
- What urban design and environmentally sustainable principles should be followed when developing.
View the Town of Ajax Official Plan.
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