Town of Ajax is committed to improving the water quality of our creeks and the local aquatic environments through the promotion and adoption of sustainable development practices within the Town. Studies of urban watersheds around the world have identified construction sites as being a significant contributor to stormwater pollution in our neighbourhoods, with the principle contaminant being soil; commonly referred to as "sediment". Sediment loading negatively affects fish habitat and ecosystems. Sediment also carries other pollutants such as E. coli and phosphorous that are negatively affecting the water quality at our beaches and the nearshore of Lake Ontario.
While the nature of development and construction exposes large quantities and areas of soil to the elements; these sites when managed appropriately, can significantly reduce the pollutant loading in the stormwater run-off leaving the sites during rain events.
Sediment and erosion control measures are to be used for all construction sites to limit the effects of the proposed construction on the surrounding areas and infrastructure. The extent and durability of the required measures is determined by the sensitivity of the area that is to be protected.
The Town's strategy to managing this pollutant source is the Sediment and Erosion Control By-law. The by-law sets out mandatory requirements for site planning and the adoption of best management practices during construction.
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