Zoning is a tool used by the Town of Ajax to regulate:

  • How land may be used;
  • Where buildings and structures can be located;
  • The types of buildings that are permitted; and
  • Development standards such as lot sizes and dimensions, parking requirements, building heights, setbacks and driveway widths.
 Zoning By-Law

While the Town’s Official Plan sets out the general policies for future land use, the Zoning By-Law puts the plan into effect and provides for its day-to-day administration.

Zoning By-Law 95-2003 is a comprehensive Zoning By-Law that was passed by Ajax Town Council on July 14, 2003. The Zoning By-Law is updated from time to time to reflect Zoning By-Law Amendments approved by Ajax Town Council or the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) and to implement the policies of the Ajax Official Plan.

The text and maps of Zoning By-Law 95-2003 are interconnected and must be read together.

 Zoning By-Law Amendments

If you want to use or develop your property in a way that is not allowed by the Zoning By-Law, you may apply for a zoning change, also known as a Zoning By-Law Amendment. Council can consider a change of the zoning for your property only if the new use is permitted in the Town’s Official Plan.

Before you set out to apply for a Zoning By-Law Amendment, you must consult with the Town’s Planning and Development staff through a Pre-Consultation meeting. This meeting will provide an opportunity for you to present your amendment proposal and receive feedback from staff. In addition to advice specific to your proposal, staff will also indicate the types of studies and reports that will have to be submitted with your application.

Following your Pre-Consultation meeting, you may complete and submit an application form to the Town. The application fee will depend upon the complexity of the proposal.

Unconsolidated Zoning By-law Amendments

These Zoning by-law amendments are currently in effect, and they will be included in the next office consolidation of the Zoning By-law 95-2003:

 Minor Variances

If you are planning to develop your property in a way that is generally permitted by the Town but fails to meet one or more of the detailed standards of the Town’s Zoning By-Law, you may be able to apply for a Minor Variance. Unlike Zoning By-law Amendments, which are designed to address major incompatibilities with the Zoning By-Law, Minor Variances are designed to address minor incompatibilities.

Decisions on Minor Variances are made by the Committee of Adjustment, a specialized body appointed by Town Council. The applicant must demonstrate to the Committee that the variance is necessary and why there are practical difficulties in carrying out the strict regulations of the Zoning By-law. In order for a variance to be approved, it must be demonstrated that the application is:

  1. Minor in nature;
  2. Appropriate and desirable in for the area;
  3. In keeping with the purpose and intent of the Zoning By-Law; and
  4. In keeping with the purpose and intent of the Official Plan.

Further information about Minor Variances, including the application form, is available on the Committee of Adjustment page of the Town’s website.