Durham’s recycling program is now managed by Circular Materials, the administrator of the common collection system and a national not-for-profit organization that is committed to building an efficient and effective recycling system in Ontario. Click here to visit Circular Materials’ website.
The Region of Durham provides garbage, green bin, and yard waste collection services in Ajax. The Region also collects bulky and metal items, electronic waste, porcelain, and batteries.
If you have questions or concerns about your waste collection, please call the Region of Durham at 311 (within Regional limits) or 1-800-372-1102 or visit the Region’s Waste Management website.
For any recycling collection inquiries, please contact Circular Materials’ local recycling contractor Miller Waste Systems. They can be contacted for:
- New and replacement blue boxes
- Missed collections
- Other recycling questions
Miller Waste Systems
Email: area8@millerwaste.ca
Phone: 1-888-852-4723
Durham Region services at the Town of Ajax
The Town of Ajax is pleased to offer the following Durham Region services as a convenience to our residents.
Table 1: Durham Region waste services offered to residents by the Town of Ajax
Garbage Bag Tags ($2.50)* |
Green Bins ($19) |
Waste Collection Calendar |
Town Hall |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Operations Centre |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Ajax Community Centre |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
McLean Community Centre |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Audley Recreation Centre |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Adopt-a-Park, Trail or Road program | ||||||||
Did you know that Ajax has over 450 km of roads, 600 hectares of parkland and over 70 km of trails? Individuals, community groups and businesses are invited to initiate a one-time litter pick, or adopt a space in Ajax, on an ongoing basis. It may be your local park or playground, a section of the waterfront, or a favorite creek area. If you prefer, you can contact Operations & Environmental Services, and we'll suggest an area for you. For more information download the Official Adopt-a-Park, Trail or Road Program Brochure.
For more information please contact us at operations@ajax.ca or 905-683-2951 |
Green Bins | ||||||||
Green bins are available for purchase at several Town of Ajax facilities. We only sell new bins. Exchanges for cracked and broken green bins can be done through Durham Region located at 4600 Garrard Rd in Whitby. | ||||||||
Bottled Water Campaign | ||||||||
On June 4, 2009, Ajax Town Council approved a public education campaign titled "Tap into it!" to encourage residents and staff to adopt the principle and philosophy of choosing tap water over bottled water. The Town has already taken the first step in removing bottled water from its public meetings, Town operated concessions, and vending machines. Over the coming months, the Town will phase out the sale of bottled water at special events, and remaining concessions as current lease agreements expire. How the Town of Ajax is supporting this initiative
What you can do to help
Facts about tap water
Facts about bottled water
Garbage bag tags | ||||||||
Residents are required to tag each bag of garbage over the four bag limit on their designated waste collection day. | ||||||||
New Residents to Ajax | ||||||||
New residents to Ajax are encouraged to participate in the residential curbside waste diversion programs available to them. In order to assist you, the Region of Durham will provide you one curbside Green Bin, one kitchen container, some sample liner bags, will be delivered to the front porch of your home. Please allow up to 15 business days for delivery. To order your kit please fill out: Durham Region new resident diversion kit form For more information contact the Region of Durham at 1-800-372-1102 waste@durham.ca. |
Single Use Plastics | ||||||||
Town of Ajax was the first municipality in the Region of Durham to implement a Corporate Ban on Single-Use Plastics. This ban will phase out unnecessary single-use plastics for all meetings, festivals and events by 2023. |
The 5Rs and Waste Diversion |
Understanding the 5Rs hierarchy will help to divert all forms of waste including food, textiles, plastics and more from the landfill!
Waste collection calendars |
Waste collection calendars can be viewed online or picked up at some of our facilities. |
In-Ground Pet Waste Containers |
There are currently 14 in-ground pet waste recycling containers installed in parks and trails across Ajax’s three wards. These containers collect pet waste below the ground surface. The waste is then diverted to an Anaerobic Digestion (AD) facility to be converted into clean energy. By disposing their pet’s waste into these containers, pet-owners actively:
Learn more about In-Ground Pet Waste Containers LocationsWard 1
Ward 2
Ward 3
Future Installations
Map |
Contact Us