Ajax Animal Services is committed to working in partnership with the community to create a safe, healthy, and caring environment for animals and people. Our main function is to enforce all of the Town's animal related By-laws ensuring the safety and well-being of both the residents of Ajax and their pets.

Pet Licensing

Every owner of a dog or cat over the age of sixteen weeks is required to be licensed with the Town of Ajax. A licence is valid for a year from the date of purchase. Please visit the DocuPet portal to see all of the benefits of licensing your pet(s) or to apply or renew your existing licence.

Complaint Information & Process

Complaints can be reported by contacting Animal Services at (905) 683-8275, by email at bylawservices@ajax.ca, or by filing an online complaint.

We do not accept anonymous complaints and for that reason we require your name, address, and phone number in order for a complaint to be generated. All personal information given remains strictly confidential and is maintained for the Town's use only.

Emergency Calls

Outside regular office hours, Ajax Animal Services continues to provide 24 hour service for emergencies.

Emergency calls may include:

  • An injured animal that requires immediate medical attention
  • An animal carcass on the roadway that poses an imminent hazard to motorists
  • A request from Durham Regional Police for assistance
  • An aggressive dog that has bitten or attacked a person or another animal or a situation that may threaten public safety.

If you have one of the above listed emergencies please call 905-683-8275. 


Rat sightings have become increasingly common in growing municipalities like Ajax. Sightings are due to a range of factors including climate change, development and disturbances to their natural habitats.

Building or demolishing in Ajax?

The Town is taking action to address resident concerns about the impacts of rats in neighbourhoods with a new pest clearance certificate process. As of June 22, 2021, pest clearance certificates may be required prior to development approvals where potential disturbances to rat habitats could occur within the proposed development.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • ​Some construction projects occurring in urban areas, including those directly adjacent to residential neighbourhoods
  • Demolition of buildings and structures
  • ​Industrial or commercial applications requiring substantive earthworks

Applicants for Demolition, Sediment and Erosion Control and/or Site Servicing/Alteration permits will be notified by the Town as part of the application process if a pest clearance certificate is required. This certificate must be issued by an Ontario-accredited pest control agent and be dated within 60 days of the application to the Town.

Learn more about Building or demolishing in Ajax

Rat Control
Learn how to look for, prevent & respond to Rats


Ajax Animal Services does not handle wildlife concerns unless the animal is injured or is located on Town property. For wildlife issues on private property, please refer to the Yellow Pages for a private wildlife control company.

The Town has created a helpful Wildlife Information Sheet that you may refer to in dealing with wildlife or nuisance animals.


Below are some measures you can take to keep coyotes at a safe distance:

  • Keep an outside light on when dogs are outside
  • Walk in pairs and in well-lit areas at night
  • Be aware of your surroundings
  • Be prepared to shout and scare off coyotes if spotted
  • Do not feed wildlife or stray cats\
  • Do not move garbage to the curb until close to pick up time
  • Do not let small dogs outside alone

By-law recommends that anyone who has a negative interaction with any form of wildlife, to notify the Town’s Animal Services at 905-683-8275 or bylawservices@ajax.ca