How to submit |
By-law receives in excess of 6,000 By-law complaints a year. For this reason, among others, we do not accept anonymous complaints. All complaints, including emails, must contain the complainant's name, address and phone number prior to a complaint being generated.
Complaints can be filed with the Town by:
Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS)
What is an Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMP System)? |
An AMP System is a municipally administered program that replaces the current Court system with a faster, more flexible and customer focused adjudication process for Municipal offences. One of the main objectives of an AMP System is to create a simple, accessible, fair and cost-effective system for dealing with violations. |
Why is Ajax moving to an AMP System? |
Over the last decade the Ministry of the Attorney General’s Office has been asking that local municipalities create an AMP System within their local jurisdictions to remove the traditional Provincial Offences Act (POA) offences such as Provincial Offence Tickets and Parking Infractions away from the Courts. This will lessen the strain on an already overburdened and backlogged court system. In September 2023, the Town’s Council resolved to implement an AMP System for parking enforcement. In March 2024, the Town moved away from the traditional Provincial Offences Act based parking enforcement system to one that is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and established an internal AMP System. |
What are some advantages of an AMP System? |
Enhanced Customer Benefits The proposed AMP System would provide an increased level of customer service to the residents and visitors to the Town in dealing with parking violations.
How does Ajax ensure fairness of the AMP System? |
Several Council and Senior Management policies and measures have been put in place to ensure the Town’s new AMP process is fair and objective for all. As the traditional judicial review is being moved from the standard court structure to an internal Town governed system, the Ajax Town Council must ensure that the safeguards typically afforded to the courts through appropriate legislation preventing political interference and/or influence or which identifies conflict of interests have been put in place to ensure the same high ethical standards in our internal system. Some of the policies include the AMPS Conflict of Interest Policy, AMPS Prevention of Political Interference Policy, and AMPS Financial Hardship Policy. |
Do the AMP penalty notices cost more than traditional parking tickets? |
No. The penalty notice costs approved by Council are the same set fines as the previous POA parking tickets except for parking during inclement weather and parking while interfering with snow removal.
Any inaction towards a penalty notice will result in additional fees that will be added to the original cost as it ages through the process. This is no different than the process for a traditional parking ticket that aged through the POA system where by the time the parking ticket reached the Ministry of Transportation for plate denial, the cost to the vehicle owner was significantly higher than the original ticket fine. |
AMP System FAQs
What is a penalty notice? |
Under the AMP System, a penalty notice is the new name of a “parking ticket”. The penalty notice is issued within the Town of Ajax by a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer, a Police Officer, or an authorized and appointed individual. The Town issues two (2) types of a Penalty Notice; an electronic one that has a white background with the Town crest that is 17.5 cm by 7.5 cm and a handwritten one that is yellow coloured with the Town crest that is 11 cm by 21.5 cm. |
How do I know if a have a Parking Ticket (POA) or a Penalty Notice (AMPS)? |
Parking Ticket – it was issued on or before before July 21, 2024
Penalty Notice - it was issued on or after July 22, 2024 |
I received a Penalty Notice – what are my options to pay it? |
Your options are listed on the back of the Penalty Notice. The 4 options include:
2. BY MAIL: Send cheque or money order to: Town of Ajax
Deposit cheque or money order in the drop box at the main entrance (the east side of the building) at Ajax Town Hall at 65 Harwood Ave South.
Pay by debit, credit card, cheque, money order or cash at the Ajax Town Hall located at 65 Harwood Ave. South, during regular business hours – Monday to Friday (excluding holidays) 8:30am-4:30 pm Please Note: |
How do I contest the Penalty Notice? |
The process to contest a Penalty Notice is called a Screening. You can submit a request to have your Penalty Notice screened online at The Screening Officer’s decision will be emailed to you at the email address provided. |
What if I missed the deadline to schedule a screening review? |
A request to extend the deadline for submitting a Screening can be submitted up to 30 days after the date the Penalty Notice was issued at
Once received, the Screening Officer will determine if the grounds for the extension of time are approved. You will receive an email response within 5 days advising you of the outcome of your request. |
What if I would like to contest the Screening Officer’s decision? |
If the matter is still in dispute following the review by the Screening Officer, you can request a review by a Hearing Officer before the payment due date listed on your screening decision notice. Hearings are in person at Ajax Town Hall and are prebooked. A Hearing Officer presides at the quasi-judicial Hearing. The Hearing Officer’s decision is final. Instructions on how to book a Hearing are included in the Screening Officer’s Decision. A Hearing cannot be booked unless a Screening has already occurred. |
Can someone else act on my behalf during a screening review or hearing review appointment? |
Yes. As long as the person that is representing you is doing so with your knowledge and consent. |
What if I do not attend the Hearing appointment? |
If you do not attend your scheduled Hearing appointment, the penalty notice will be confirmed, and the vehicle’s registered owner will be required to pay a fee for failing to attend the appointment. The fee for failure to appear at a scheduled Hearing appointment is contained in the Town’s Fees & Charges By-law. |
What will happen if I ignore the penalty notice? |
If you do not dispute the ticket by requesting a screening or paying the penalty within 15 days, you will be sent a Late Notice and will be required to pay additional administrative fees. Furthermore, if the penalty notice and administrative fees remain unpaid, a Final Notice will be sent, including additional fees. If the amount owing in the Final Notice is still not paid by the due date, a notice of default will be sent to the Ministry of Transportation which will result in your Ontario Vehicle Permit renewal being denied, and additional fees will be incurred. |
Parking Enforcement / Towing
General Parking Provisions - Town Wide |
Parking Penalty Notices are issued by Town of Ajax Municipal Law Enforcement Officers, Durham Regional Police Officers and appointed private property agents. When operating a vehicle it is your responsibility to be aware of where and how you park, and to be aware of the applicable by-laws pertaining to the area.
Common parking rules in Ajax:
For more parking rules and parking ticket information, please refer to the Town's Parking Brochure. Please note, parking by-laws are proactively enforced. |
Pay or Dispute a Parking Penalty Notice |
The process to contest a Penalty Notice is called a Screening. You can submit a request to have your Penalty Notice screened online at The Screening Officer’s decision will be emailed to you at the email address provided. Payments can be made online through our Online Payment Service using your:
A convenience fee of $2.00 will apply to all payments. Pay a Parking Penalty
MAIL: Send cheque or money (include Parking Penalty Notice #) to: Town of Ajax
Please Note: The process to contest a Penalty Notice is called a Screening. You can submit a request to have your Penalty Notice screened online at The Screening Officer’s decision will be emailed to you at the email address provided. |
Towing Information |
By-law Services will be utilizing the services of Classic Towing & Storage for the authorized towing of vehicles found in contravention of the Town's Traffic By-law from both private property and municipal roads. Please view the 2024 Towing & Storage Fee Schedule, which includes the address, hours of operations, and payment options for Classic Towing & Storage. |
Parking Permits
Waterfront Parking - Registration and Fees | ||||||||||||||||
From May 15 to September 15, each year, a parking management plan will be in effect in the Ajax Waterfront area to manage increased parking on weekends (Saturday & Sunday) and public holidays. The plan includes paid parking for non-residents and designated parking areas.
Please note, remaining parking provisions within the Traffic By-law remain in effect. The Town's Parking Brochure lists parking prohibitions and enforcement procedures and practices. For questions or assistance, contact or call 905-619-2529, ext. 3370. |
Occasional Use Parking Permit (OUPP) - Town Wide | ||||||||||||||||
This permit allows all visitors and residents to apply for, and receive, a parking exemption for the prohibitions of parking longer than 3 hours and for parking between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m.
How it Works
Forms and Applications
Complete and apply |
Rats |
Learn more about Rats in Ajax |
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