If you wish to address Council or Committee at a scheduled meeting, please complete the Request to Address Council form.
Requests to Address Council or Committee (to verbally present information on matters of fact or to make a request to Council) must be received no later than noon 10 days prior to the meeting of Council or Committee.
Delegations respecting a matter appearing on a regular Council agenda shall be permitted to register following agenda publication, provided the request is received by the Clerk no later than noon on the Friday prior to the meeting.
Please note that pre-registration is not requred for in-person oral submissions to the Community Affairs & Planning Committee during a Public Meeting held under the Planning Act. Delegates are allotted 5 minutes to address Committee/Council. If you are unable to attend in person, electronic remote participate via the Town's Hybrid Conference System is available as an option. To participate remotely, please email clerks@ajax.ca no later than noon on the business day preceding the meeting. For a list of upcoming Public Meetings, view the Town's Community Page every Wednesday in the News Advertiser.
For those attending in-person, the Town of Ajax has a scent free-policy at Town Hall including Council Chambers. Please refrain from wearing scented products or fragrances during your visit.
For more information regarding Council and Committee meeting procedures, please refer to the Town of Ajax Procedural By-law.
Before the meeting |
When you arrive |
Please arrive a few minutes prior to the start of the meeting and check in with the Deputy Clerk. Your patience is requested if there are a lot of presentations ahead of yours. When it is your turn, the Chair will call out your name. If attending the meeting in-person, you may step up to the podium, fill out the sign-in sheet located on the podium, then begin your delegation. If attending remotely, you may turn on your camera and microphone at when you are called upon to address Council. |
How do I address Council or Committee members? |
Always address your comments to the Chair. This helps maintain order in the meeting. During a Council meeting, the Mayor is always the Chair and is addressed as Mayor Collier or Mr. Mayor. During Committee meetings, other Council members act as the Chair and should be addressed as Mr. Chair or Madame Chair, as appropriate. |
How long may I speak? |
You are allowed up to five minutes to address Committee and/or Council members. Questions and discussion may follow and are not part of the five minute allocation. |
After finishing your delegation |
Please return to your seat, being mindful of the fact it is now time for Members of Council to debate the issue and make their decision. Although the Mayor and Members of Council encourage the public to present their opinions, decorum dictates that all opinions must be respected and outbursts from the gallery will not be tolerated. When Council members have moved on to the next item on the agenda you may leave the meeting quietly. |
Code of Conduct for Delegations / Presentations |
When making your delegation, you may not:
Submitting Petitions to Council |
Are you interested in submitting a petition to Council on a matter of Town policy or business? Please refer to our Guidelines for Submitting Petitions to Council for more information on how to prepare and submit your petition to Council. |
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