Grade five classes are invited to tour Town Hall and to learn about Civic Action in Ajax.

The visit will include a presentation given by a member of Ajax Council, followed by a tour of Council Chambers and the Mayor & Council office.

Students will learn how local government works, what services municipalities offer and what Council does. The presentation includes fun facts about Ajax and activities for students to show off their newfound municipal knowledge!

Please follow the link below to book a tour and for more details.

*Please note that tours must be booked in advance through the school administration/teachers. 
 Request a Tour

How long is the visit/tour?

Approximately 45 minutes depending on the size of the group.

What is included in the tour?
Students will receive an interactive presentation in Council Chambers by a member of Ajax Council, followed by a tour of the Council Chambers and Mayor and Council office. Each student will also receive a copy of the Civic Action in Ajax activity book.
What will students learn? 
The formal presentation to students will review the following:
  • What is Civic Responsibility?
  • What is Municipal Government?
  • Durham Region
  • Municipal Services
  • By-laws
  • Town of Ajax - History
  • Ajax Council
  • Elections
Civic Action in Ajax Activity Book

Every student will take home a copy of the Civic Action in Ajax Activity, you can also download a copy of the activity book below.

Civic Action in Ajax Activity Book

Is the tour of Town Hall accessible?
Town Hall is accessible to those using mobility devices. If your class has accessibility needs, please specify at the time of booking.
What about transportation – how do we get to and from the school?
Transportation to and from Ajax Town Hall, including all associated costs, is the sole responsibility of the school. 
Can other grades take part in the program?
The program is currently only available to grade five classes.
Can multiple grade five classes at the same school take part in the program?

Yes, if they attend on the same day. A limit of one request per school will be considered within the school year.

How can I book a tour?
Complete the online application linked below:

Request a Tour
Does the Town offer other educational tours/opportunities for students?
The Ajax Library also hosts visits for classes and groups. To book, visit Class and Group Visit Booking