If you need financial assistance, there is help.
The Town of Ajax provides eligible residents in financial need with options to participate in programs.
Highest applicable discount applies. Discounts cannot be combined.
Recreation & Culture Fee Assistance Program |
Ajax Residents may be eligible to receive a 34% discount based on annual household income to help with the cost of eligible programs. To apply, residents must:
Note: Beginning each year on May 1, the previous year's NOA and Canada Child Tax Benefit statement will be required. |
FAIR (Financial Assistance In Recreation) Pass |
The Town of Ajax is committed to providing more recreational opportunities for residents facing financial difficulty. The FAIR pass allows approved residents access to FREE Town of Ajax designated public skate and swim times, drop-in basketball, drop-in open family gym, drop-in pickleball and drop-in table tennis. Approved residents have access to the FAIR Pass for one week every quarter. |
Durham Region Social Services Assistance Program |
Residents who are currently receiving income support through the Regional Ontario Works or Ontario Disability Support Program may receive a 50% discount. If eligible, to apply, residents will need to:
Provide one of the following:
Older Adults and Seniors |
Ajax is dedicated to keeping our older adults/seniors engaged through a variety of recreational programs. Dedicated, affordable recreation programs and services are available for those 55 years+. In addition, discounts for some eligible programs, services and memberships are available for those who are 65 years+. |
Partnership fee assistance programs
Canadian Tire Jumpstart Program |
We are a proud partner of Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities. Jumpstart helps resident kids, ages 4-17, in financial need participate in organized sports and physical activities by assisting with the costs associated with playing their chosen sport. If you are currently receiving financial support from the Town of Ajax, Jumpstart may be applied, if eligible, during the registration process. Please note: Jumpstart can only be applied to one activity per child per session. Jumpstart cannot be applied when registering online, but can be reconciled for eligible programs after online registration by contacting one of our centres. Eligible programs and services are identified with the $ symbol online. Customers must be approved for financial assistance before registration, in order to have the discount applied. |
Durham Region Recreation Program Card |
The Durham Region Ontario Works (OW) program helps people in need. Residents who are participants in the Ontario Works program have the opportunity to participate in discounted recreation activities and services. Contact your caseworker at the Department of Social Services, Region of Durham at 905-428-7400 to determine if you are eligible or visit durham.ca |
Durham Region Child Care Fee Assistance Program |
For Region residents currently receiving child care fee subsidy through Children's Services. If you would like your child(ren) to take part in Town of Ajax summer, holiday and March break camps, contact your caseworker at the Department of Children's Services, Region of Durham, 905-666-6238 or visit durham.ca |
Advancing Access to Affordable Recreation in Durham
The Advancing Access to Affordable Recreation in Durham (AAARD) Committee works with municipal and not-for-profit organizations to increase access to programs for low income residents.
AAARD Member Organizations |
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