Ajax continues to take action to address intimate partner violence and create a more supportive environment for all victims  

This afternoon, Ajax Council, stakeholders and special guests came together at Lakeridge Health - Ajax Pickering Hospital to officially launch the Town of Ajax and Partners’ Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) 2024 Report, laying out 13 tangible actions to address IPV.   

This report outlines the key findings from TOA’s IPV Workshop and Discussion, held on September 24, 2024, which hosted service providers, legal professionals and IPV survivors and their loved ones. 

The Workshop was the result of a motion unanimously carried by Ajax Council in April 2024 to renew its call to the Province of Ontario to recognize IPV as an epidemic.  

The full report features: 

  • Strengths and successes within intervention & prevention;  
  • Challenges and barriers to advocacy, intervention and prevention supports;  
  • Opportunities for collaboration across organizations;  
  • Potential prevention strategies; and  
  • 13 action items for TOA, upper levels of government, service providers, and community members

By collaborating with service providers, community members and municipal leaders, the Town can create a more supportive environment for victims and focus on continued advocacy, education and open dialogue to ensure meaningful change.  


“Thank you to all Town staff and partners for putting together this detailed report, which highlights the key findings from the September 24, 2024 Intimate Partner Violence Workshopand Discussion, hosted by the Town, as well as next steps to ensure we are working together towards reducing the prevalence of IPV. It’s actions like the launch of this report and the workshop that remind us of the importance of recognizing the progress made and the challenges that remain. We must continue taking the necessary action needed to create a more supportive environment for victims of IPV.– Ward 1 Regional Councillor, Marilyn Crawford, Town of Ajax  

“I am so pleased to see the launch of this report and thank you to all involved in putting it together. This launch is a significant reminder of the importance of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence campaign, with December 10 being the last day – but it doesn’t end here. The Town of Ajax and partners are committed to ensuring there is a path forward to help reduce the prevalence of IPV with continued education and open dialogue.” – Ward 3 Local Councillor, Lisa Bower, Town of Ajax   

“The launch of this report, which outlines prevention supports and strategies, 13 recommended action items and more, showcases that although IPV is an epidemic, there are many ways that we can work together to initiate essential actions and create a safe and supportive space for victims of IPV. Let’s continue to focus on collaboration for meaningful change.” – Shaun Collier, Mayor and CEO, Town of Ajax  

Quick Facts

  • The launch event included remarks from Ajax Council and representatives from Spa Sedona and Victim Services of Durham Region. 
  • December 10 is the last day of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence, an annual campaign beginning on November 25 – the International Day of the Elimination of Violence Against Women. 
  • The IPV Workshop & Discussion consisted of 26 individuals who participated in stimulating activities, discussion and reflection. 
  • The Workshop was the result of a motion unanimously carried by Ajax Council (moved by Regional Councillor Crawford and seconded by Councillor Bower) in April 2024 to renew its call to the Province of Ontario to recognize IPV as an epidemic.  
  • Intimate partner violence is domestic violence by a current or former spouse or partner in an intimate relationship against the other spouse or partner. IPV can take several forms, including physical, verbal, emotional, economic and sexual abuse.  

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